Last November 23rd, David Hernández López, from the TIDOP research group, exposed part of recent works carried in the cave “Cueva Pintada” of Galdar, Gran Canaria.
Around 30 assistants attended the III Research Seminar of the cave “Cueva Pintada” of Galdar, in Gran Canaria. In the event, the researcher David Hernández López presented the results corresponding to the virtual digitization of the cave taken at the end of 2015. The digitalization consisted in the generation of a precise 3D model of high resolution through the use of different geomatic techniques such as laser scanning (phase-shift and triangulation) and photogrammetry. The combination of all the sensors used allowed to obtain a 3D model of each of the corners of the cave with millimetric precision and resolution.
In addition to this digitization, a virtual tour was generated through high resolution immersive panoramas. This visit made it possible to effectively link the 3D model with information about the site, thus offering a complete product for professionals and interested tourists. These investigations are part of the SIDAP project (Integral System of Archaeological and Heritage Documentation). For more details see Cueva Pintada.