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The agriculture of the future

La opinión – The Zamora Post Office successfully organized the conference “Automation and robotization of agriculture and livestock” where the importance of the primary sector for the province of Zamora, both economically and socially, was highlighted.

The conference “Automation and robotization of agriculture and livestock” offered the public the opportunity to listen to professionals from Spanish research groups that are at the forefront in the development of new technologies with applications in agriculture and livestock, such as Diego González Aguilera, professor at the University of Salamanca, head of the Information Technologies for Intelligent Digitalization of Objects and Processes (TIDOP) research group, and Ángela Ribeiro, head of the Artificial Perception research group at the CSIC, which develops robots and artificial intelligences for agricultural tasks. Both scientists, and the head of the Agriculture and Livestock Service of the Zamora Provincial Council, Carlos Díez Valle, shared a round table moderated by Miriam Sánchez Cabezas, Business Development Director of La Opinión-El Correo de Zamora.

Participants in the Conference on Automation and Robotization in Agriculture and Livestock.

After informing the audience about the latest advances in the applications of drones, satellites and robots to improve productivity in the primary sector, the speakers agreed on the need to create in Spain the necessary conditions for the emergence of more companies that carry out the connection between these groups that carry out R&D work with the farmers and ranchers themselves, that meet their needs and provide them with technological solutions to these needs at an affordable price.

In this sense, the provincial councils can also play a fundamental role in putting research centers in contact with professionals in the sector and their real needs, as Carlos Díez Valle pointed out, so that they can continue to develop new technologies and products.

News extracted from “La opinión de Zamora”. More details at: