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Manuel Gesto Díaz
Research collaborator.

He studied Industrial Engineering specializing in Automation & Electronics in the University of Vigo (2010), and Industrial Engineering specializing in Facilities and Construction (2012). The realization of his final master project was in the Geotechnologies Applied Research Group at the University of Vigo, with a stay in the TU Delft (Netherlands). Selected for GSoC ´14 (Google Summer of Code 2014) with the “Object Discovery in Data Kinfu” and member of K4W development program for Kinect v2. He did his PhD at the University of Salamanca developing the following research lines based on the use of low-cost sensors (rgbd sensors, game sensors, structured light) for the acquisition and processing of point clouds and for their application in different fields such as 3D recognition, reverse engineering and Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applications. He is currently working at Leica Geosystems (Switzerland) remotely from Spain as a computer vision expert in the R&D department developing new products for the company.

Research interests:

  • Low cost sensors (structured light, RGBD, game sensors)
  • Augmented reality
  • Virtual reality
  • 3DRecognition
  • Reverse Engineering