PhD in Geomatics Engineering (2022, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: UPV) with Cum Laude distinction. His doctoral thesis, entitled: “SfM-3DULC: Development and validation of a photogrammetric procedure for the scanning, measurement, tissue classification and clinical follow-up of skin wounds”, was funded by the European Social Fund of the Generalitat Valenciana. Previously, he studied the Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Surveying (2014, UPV), and the Master’s Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Geoinformation (2017, UPV).
He worked on collaborative projects between the Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry of the UPV and the Dermatology Service of the University and Polytechnic La Fe Hospital of Valencia. He was also employed on the research project “Ultrasonic Applications to Artistic Heritage”, whose objectives were to characterise and authenticate pictorial artworks using structured light and ultrasound techniques.
Research interests:
- Wound measurement
- Medical applications of photogrammetry
- Authentication of pictorial artworks