The University of Salamanca, through the Scientific Culture Unit, offers a scientific summer camp for 2nd and 3rd ESO students from June 28 to July 23. An activity that will take place from June 28 to July 23, in Ávila and Salamanca, and which will be carried out by researchers from the University of Salamanca. Each week 3 different research projects will be offered (1 in Ávila and 2 in Salamanca) where a research work will be carried out that will be presented orally at the end of the week. They will also receive scientific communication and graphic design workshops.

Specifically, researchers and professors from the Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila will be in charge of the different scientific works that will be held in Ávila at the Higher Polytechnic School:
– Get wet with water engineering. 06/28 – 02/07 28/06-02/07
– Make your ideas come true: from paper to 3D manufacturing. 05/07-09/07
– Satellites: guardians of the Earth. 12/07-16/07
– Learning with energy 19/07-23/07
Interested persons must complete the following pre-registration form:
Posted on 28/05/2021