Higher Technician in Urban Planning and Topographical Operations (2014) and University Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Topography (2019), both qualifications with an Extraordinary Award mention. In addition, she studied the University Master’s Degree in Geotechnical Cartography in Engineering and Architecture (University of Salamanca), which gave her access to the inter-university PhD in Geotechnologies applied to Construction, Energy and Industry (in progress). This professional career was the one that made her obtain different scholarships such as the collaboration scholarship in the Department of Cartographic and Land Engineering (Polytechnic School of Avila), VIII Centenary Programme and Scholarship for the retention of young talents (City Council and University of Salamanca) and Scholarship for the Training of University Teachers (FPU – Ministry of Education). She was runner-up in the AECOC academic award for her Final Degree Project focused on obtaining land surface temperature from satellite images, with which she launched her current professional career focused on remote sensing and obtaining thermophysical parameters for energy studies. She is currently working and collaborating in different national and international projects related to the study of urban heat islands and forest fires.
Research interests:
- Geographic Information Systems applied to the study of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and Forest Fires.
- Development of algorithms for the improvement of spatial resolution and the calculation of Land Surface Temperature and Albedo.