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Mariano González de Soto

He received the PhD in Science and Technology of the Environment and Processes from the University of León (2016), he developed his thesis on the reduction of energy and contaminants in precision agriculture using robotic systems, which was awarded in the Call for “Doctor ULE-TCUE”. He studied a Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy at the University of León (2010) in which he researched about hydrogen and renewable energies. He previously studied Electronics Engineering (2009) and I.T. of Telecommunications specialization in electronic systems (2007) at the University of Valladolid. He has several scientific publications in international and national journals, lectures in congresses and chapters in scientific books. He has worked in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (2012-2016) participating in a European project of robotics applied to effective agriculture and in another national on integral automation of agriculture. Later he joined at the Spanish Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT) (2016-2018) to collaborate in a national project on hybrid energy storage. In 2019 he joined the TIDOP group, as a postdoctoral researcher, to participate in the research of intelligent systems for road safety, job that since 2020 he combines with that of a contracted professor at the Catholic University of Ávila. In addition, in 2018 he started an entrepreneurship project based on Industry 4.0 applied to organic eggs production, which participated and was awarded in the “Entrepreneurship Program 1,131” of the “Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation”.

Research interests:

  • Systems and software modeling for automotive safety
  • Use of new technologies in agriculture and farming
  • Accumulation, generation and optimization of energy