The student María Sánchez Aparicio receives the TCUE award for her Master thesis entitled: “Development of a software for the design and analysis of mining operations”.
Last October 10th, the results achieved in the market-oriented prototype under the 2016/2017 TCUE program were presented at the Faculty of Sciences. One of the 15 selected projects is entitled “Software development for the design and analysis of mining operations” developed by María Sánchez Aparicio, student of the Master Degree in Cartographic Geotechnologies in Engineering and Architecture, and tutored by Diego González Aguilera. The project consists of the development of the open source tool “Mining Information System” based on object-oriented programming. This project combines the advantages offered by Geographic Information Systems and 3D digitization strategies in order to improve the management and efficiency of mining operations during their life cycle.
Among the possibilities offered by the software are the following:
- Centralized management of multidisciplinary information.
- Automatic generation of mining grids
- Ability to use a large variety of geomatic sensors (laser scanner, drones, paraglide, etc.)
- Management and visualization of high density point clouds.
- Ability to integrate information within 3D models through a system similar to that used by BIM (Building Information Modelling) models.
For more information, please consult at TCUE Award.