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SOLFIN (SOLar-Farm INspection)

Author :Luis López-Fernández, Susana Lagüela-López, Jesús Fernández-Hernández, Diego González-Aguilera, Pablo Rodríguez-Gonzálvez.
Year: 2016
Company(ies) that are using it ITOS3D Engineering
Description: SOLFIN (SOLar-Farm INspection) is a tool for the automatic inspection of photovoltaic installations. This tool allows the identification, quantification and precise geolocation of pathologies in photovoltaic solar panels taking as input high resolution 3D models with thermographic information captured with any type of aerial platform. This evaluation will provide both qualitative (existence of damage) and quantitative (damaged surface) information on each panel, allowing the detection of pathologies that limit its productivity and the effective planning of maintenance work.