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Research stay of Cristina Sáez Blázquez at Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy)


The PhD researcher Cristina Sáez Blázquez is doing at the present moment a research stay in the Polytechnic University of Turin, in the north of Italy. The mentioned stay, that started the past October (October-December 2017), constitutes an essential tool in the progress of the researcher doctoral thesis. Over the stay, the researcher, collaborating with professors and researches of the Italian University, is analysing the main parameters that take part in open geothermal systems. In particular, the research is focused on the study of a real case placed in the province of Turin. In this way, the process which happen in such installations are being optimized using the software COMSOL Multiphysics. The results of the collaboration that is being developed, will be presented as scientifically works in relevant JCR journals.
