María Sánchez (PhD candidate) has carried out a research stay at the 3DGeoinfomation research group (TUDelft) to learn how to work with 3D semantic models of cities for energy simulations.
During the months of september, october and november, in the last stage of her PhD, María Sánchez Aparicio has visited the 3D Geoinformation research group belonging to the Department of Urbanism at the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) Under the supervision of Dr. Giorgio Agugiaro, she has learned to work with data models based on CityGML: from its theoretical basis to the tools necessary for its creation and manipulation for energy simulations in cities.
In the next months and thanks to all the knowledge acquired at TU Delft, in line with her doctoral thesis that focuses on the use of public data for solar energy analysis in cities, Maria will carry out energy simulations in different cities in Spain. In the near future, all results obtained from this research will be presented at international and national conferences and will be published in a scientific journal.