Research stay at the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) and its 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) research unit from September to November, 2014, under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Remondino.
The stay was focused in photogrammetry, surveying, laser scanning and 3D modelling. The specific research topics were:
- 3D documentation of complex World War I scenarios in the framework of the VAST Project (VAlorizzazione Storia e Territorio – Valorization of History and Landscape, Concretely, the tasks were focused in the efficient complexity reduction for information dissemination purposes, but keeping the maximum amount of significant information. As result of the Lusern fort documentation, a simplification pipeline was proposed in order to prioritize the mesh level of detail or a smooth continuous geometry, but always with the minimum number of triangles according to a specific spatial resolution. Also, photogrammetric tests to survey and model underground tunnels as a low-cost alternative were carried out, and evaluated in terms of a-prioir and a-posteriori error.
- Geometric assessment of a Mobile Mapping System (MMS) using advanced statistical methods. The new system VMX-450 (Riegl) precision and accuracy was evaluated in the framework of a challenge test site: the historic city centre of Trento. Non-normal statistics were employed thus a more appropriate assessment of precision and accuracy, and contrasted against reference measures are derived from photogrammetric and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) surveys.
- Characterization of a spherical camera for the 3D reconstruction of different environments. Several tests for the camera geometric characterization were carried out, as well automatic 3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor scenes (Trento cathedral).