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New geomatics methods applied to flood modelling and fluvial analysis

New geomatics methods applied to flood modelling and fluvial analysis

For a proper assessment and management of exposure levels to natural flood risk, it is crucial to obtain an accurate and detailed model of the terrain likely to be affected, which will serve as the basis for the flood model. As the damage caused by floods is considerable, the delineation of risk zones plays a critical role in carrying out appropriate corrective measures.

On the other hand, the reality of Climate Change is generating strong pressure on water resource systems. Faced with this scenario, it is necessary to have a set of tools, techniques and methodologies, also impregnated with efficiency, economy, speed and flexibility, which facilitate the decision-making process and the design of solutions.

For this reason, the TIDOP research group is investigating new low-cost geomatic techniques-methodologies, platforms and sensors that allow rapid acquisition of the terrain, with high precision and at a lower cost, optimised for hydraulic engineering and risk assessment.

Using an ultra-light motorised aircraft, it has been possible to generate a continuous 3D model of a riverbed (resolution better than 0.10 m) and very high resolution orthophotographs (0.025 m) for subsequent hydraulic analysis.

This new technique improves the terrain reconstruction of the official methodologies in flood analysis, allowing greater accuracy in the analysis and a more precise determination of the level of risk.