Scientific and technological education
The Master’s Degree in Modeling of Water Systems begins to be taught at USAL in the 2021-22 academic year, once the verification process has been passed (Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León, ACSUCyL, and Council of Universities).
Led by the IGA research group (, it provides advanced scientific and technological training in modeling the operation of water systems for subsequent application in engineering, management and integrated planning of these systems, taking into account the environmental, social and economic problems involved. Specifically, it provides knowledge on hydrological analysis and adaptation to global change, the design of hydraulic structures, the treatment of supply and waste water, and the ecological quality assessment systems of water systems.
The studies last one academic year (60 ECTS), which are organized into eight compulsory subjects (48 ECTS) and the final master’s thesis (12 ECTS); and they have the teaching collaboration of a variety number of companies and scientific institutions such as Iberdrola, Center for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works (CEDEX), Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas FCC-AQUALIA; Red Eléctrica Española (REE), Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente S.L (HIDMA S.L).
This Master, of a professional and research nature, is oriented, on the one hand, to the development of professional activity in water supply and treatment companies, environmental departments, R & D & I centers in the area of water resources, etc., and on the other, to academic and research activity, through doctoral studies.
It is taught online, through the USAL Virtual Campus Studium platform. To have access to all the materials and services, it is only necessary to have a computer with an internet connection and standard equipment to follow a videoconference (see technical characteristics in the “Entry profile” section). The software to be used are free access or are covered by the licenses of the University of Salamanca. The student will have freedom of choice between the local installation on their terminal or the access through a remote server, which will always be guaranteed from the USAL.