The EFICAMPUS project: Solar Self-Consumption and Energy Efficiency in University Buildings with Photovoltaic Panels, developed within the call for grants for innovation and sustainability projects “Sustainable Campus Objective” has been awarded as the best project in the “Economic Growth” category. Thanks to this, the Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila receives the mention of a center aligned with the SDGs.
The Social Affairs Service (SAS) of the University of Salamanca, in order to encourage innovation and sustainability in the different centers that make up the university, has created the call for grants “Sustainable Campus Objectives”. This is a call for the development of projects by students, that aligned with the SDGs, are financed by the SAS. Once carried out, the Social Affairs Services rewards the best projects of the call.
Two projects from among all those proposed and chosen in the first call for grants, were developed at the Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila by four students of the doctoral program “Geotechnologies Applied to Construction, Energy and Industry”: Enrique González, Paula de Andrés, José Antonio Martín and María Sánchez and tutored by Susana Lagüela.
The project “BIOROOFS: a sustainable university contribution to urban biodiversity” aimed to restore the green roof of the Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila, incorporating not only new plant species but also conditioning the space for the coexistence of different insects.
The EFICAMPUS project: Solar Self-Consumption and Energy Efficiency in University Buildings with Photovoltaic Panels consisted of the implementation of a photovoltaic solar installation to power different telemetry and control devices installed for research purposes on one of the EPSA rooftops. This installation not only is useful for the generation of clean energy but also as a case study to compare and validate certain parameters of the simulation process of solar installations. Within this project, a website will be developed to publicize production, energy saving and the reduction of CO2 emissions.
After the development of both projects, SAS has awarded the EFICAMPUS project as the best in the category “Economic Growth”. Thanks to this award, the Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila receives the special mention as a center aligned with the SDGs.
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New published on 02/02/2022